High Security Keys Lake Orion, MI – Lake Orion MI Locksmith Store


Lake Orion MI Locksmith Store Lake Orion, MI 248-340-3054Ironic as it may sound; keys are always expected to provide you the highest security – so why do we in specific need ‘High Security’ keys? In an environment filled with thieves who are ready to barge in to seize others properties and assets, the common man looks for locks and keys as a preliminary medium to safeguard his things. Yet the criminal masterminds drill a hole into your safety mechanism, access locks using duplicate keys. The locks of yesteryears do not hold well before the knowledge of such masterminds. It is imperative that with changing times, the security mechanism also needs to undergo a revamp, so as to be fruitful to its ideal purpose of safeguarding your assets.

What’s new?

What are high-security keys?

  • Possess built in computer chips or magnets to prevent duplication
  • Extremely difficult to duplicate
  • Unauthorized production is prohibited – some carry ‘Do not Duplicate’ tags

Advent of High-Security locks